Anatomy Education
Cardio Training
Exercise Videos
Flexibility Training
Strength Training
Free weights demand more of your body, and allow your joints to move in their natural movements.Unlike
machines where they are locked into one position and movement. Free weights also allow you to strengthen more
muscle groups that wouldn't get much work if you were doing isolation exercises on a machine. Free weights exercises
are somtimes hard to get the hang of and demand more instructions than machines.
Machines are excellent for beginners because they are really safe.They require very little coordination and
basically tell you how to do the movement and keep your body in the proper form. Most of new state of the art machines are designed
with terrific isolating of the muscle groups. They are also great for quick workouts.
Most of the gyms have 10-15 machines ligned up in a circuit so you can finish a workout in 20 minutes.
You will find that a lot of fitness programs will have a mix of machines and free weights implemented together for variety, isolation and change.
Always remember to maintain strict form and work to total postive failure while doing your exercises.
any questions email info@onlinefitnesssytems.com